God’s Love...The Power to Become Who We’re Created to Be


God’s love pushes me forward. His love also involves discipline, correction and guidance. We don’t always like this aspect of God’s love, but He has our best interests at heart. Check out Paul’s short video to discover how our Father’s love matures us into becoming who He always wanted us to be!


God's love is not anything like human love. 

God's love is always pushing us forward, growing us, and maturing us to bring about God's best for us. 

God's love is lavish, it’s radical. He loves me when I'm good, or bad. He loves me when I feel close to Him, or when I feel far away from Him. The Bible says that there's nothing I can do that can separate me from His love. 

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

It's a love that cares for me. 

God’s love has my best interests at heart all the time. 

We established in a couple of past articles that under the New Covenant, God no longer punishes us for our sin. Our sins have all been forgiven. Christ took our punishment upon Himself on the Cross. 

Now here's the side of God's love we don't always like…

God’s love doesn't make excuses for me. 

God’s love lets me face the consequences of my own bad decisions. His love lets me take responsibility for my mistakes. It doesn't allow me to cast blame or manipulate my way out of predicaments. 

God's love allows me to learn from my mistakes and my bad decisions. 

God's love allows me to feel the sting of the natural consequences of my bad choices and behaviour. It can be compared to a parent raising a child.

Parents who love their child must let that child feel the effects of being disobedient, of lying to them, of acting out inappropriately. This is how the child learns and matures as they grow. Most people would agree that a parent who just let their child do and act any way they wanted with no guidance, no instruction, no discipline, is a parent that doesn’t love that child properly. 

Real love must include some kind of discipline, direction, and guidance. 

Why then, when Father begins to love us with His strong, uncompromising, unconditional love and allows us to face the consequences of our bad decisions head on, do we kick and scream like nursery kids? I put myself in this category. I've been there!

We need to be thankful that our Heavenly Father loves us enough not to leave us stumbling alone to figure out life. Rather, He loves us enough to allow us to learn from our mistakes and teach us accordingly.

 God's love is the power that pushes us to become the person He created us to be…the person we've always wanted to be. 

Let's not be afraid of His love. Let's embrace His love and live in it! It's a love that never leaves you. It’s a love that never lets you down, a love that you can count on forever. 

The following verse says it all, “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1 (NASB) Wow! Be encouraged today, friends! 

Each week, Paul sends out a letter to his subscribers containing personal and helpful truths designed to help you experience the beautiful truths of the New Covenant. Sign up here.

Paul O'Brien